SFAS is NOW WELCOMING APPLICATIONS for our 2021 calendar
The SFAS Steering Committee works to bring top-level speakers to each of our monthly meetings, usually held the last Thursday of each month. Our membership ranges from neophyte to highly astro-competent and enjoy variety. Though we miss meeting in person, we’re excited that with our move to ZOOM, we now welcome speakers from distant places. Ask any speakers you would like to hear to APPLY HERE !
November 12, 2020 • 7–9 pm Pacific Time • Webinar
Gaye Nelson
The Male/Female Balance – 8 Things to Do to Get Along Better with Almost Anyone
Webinar • Nov 12 • 7 - 9 pm PST •
The Male/Female Balance – 8 Things to Do to Get Along Better with Almost Anyone
Based on Gaye's audiobook and ebook. It's a system based on how many masculine and how many feminine planets are in an astrological chart. There are 30 personality types: 15 for men and 15 for women, with three main groups – Centered People, Pleasure People, and Power People. Applies to all relationships, not just romantic ones. This system is astrologically based, but you don't need to understand anything about astrology to use it. Learn: how to be true to your type
the only 3 reasons relationships don't work (and what to do about that)
how to "meet your match"
new information about courtship, marriage, affairs and divorce
Gaye Nelson “The Professional Fairy Godmother” has been an expert in astrology, tarot and Emotional Release Work for many years. She began studying metaphysics at the age of 17 and has been a full-time professional astrologer since 1988. She has thousands of clients, including celebrities and intriguing people in many professions.
Gaye’s clients receive the guidance she offers through her in-depth astrology and tarot readings, her Ebook and Audiobook The Male/Female Balance: 8 Things to Do to Get Along Better with Almost Anyone, monthly recordings called “Astrology To Go”, a hands-on healing with Emotional Release Work, and Astrocartography, which helps people find the best places to live, work and play.
She is President of NCGR – Los Angeles (National Council for Geocosmic Research) and a member of SCAN (Southern California Astrological Network).
Call Gaye at: (310) 489-8149 or: