Thursday, July 27, 2023 • 6-8 pm Pacific Time • IN-PERSON MEETING @ Fort Mason Center, Room C210, 2 Marina Blvd, SF 94123
Alberto Forero & QS • In-Person!
WHO’S RUNNING YOUR CHART? Dispositor Tree Workshop
IN-PERSON Workshop • July 27, 2023 •@ Fort Mason Center, Room C210, 2 Marina Blvd, SF, CA 94123 • 6-8 pm PST •
Alberto Forero & QS presenting
Dispositor Tree Workshop
Join the San Francisco Astrological Society for an in-person, hands-on Workshop — where you will learn to create a ‘Dispositor Tree’. A Dispositor Tree is a diagram that you can construct for any astrological chart. It shows you how the planets are hierarchically organized in a chart, and is a great way to visualize key components of Essential Dignity. Similar to an ‘org chart’ for a company that shows the CEO at the top, the VP below the CEO, etc: Dispositor trees show us the Flow of Power from one planet to the next.
You’ll learn about the different types of Dispositor Trees the planets can form and how that might influence the Natal Promise. In addition to live demonstrations, you’ll receive a beautiful illustrated booklet of instructions and exercises Alberto & QS have created.
Presented by Alberto Forero, QS and the San Francisco Astrological Society.
We intend to provide hot water, teas & instant coffee, and sweeteners, and you can bring snacks for yourself and /or to share, as you wish.
Alberto Forero was introduced to astrology by someone (at work!) who was active with the SFAS, and fell in love with it quickly. After searching for meaning in art, psychology, symbolism, and genealogy, he found that astrology was very meaningful and even magical. He believes that we can use it to grow and to tune into the enchanted universe we inhabit.
Alberto runs a popular Twitter account where he has posted thousands of images documenting the visual history of Astrology: He has way too many astrology books. Alberto has begun offering readings.
Q S • “I was about a year into my Tarot studies in 2019 when I started to turn my attention to Astrology. I recognized that I would not be able to dig any deeper into the archetypes in Tarot if I did not learn more about Astrology. I intended to only skim the surface, but I found myself falling deep into the ocean that is Astrological knowledge; and I hope to never resurface.
Q S offers Tarot & Astrology readings over at”
"There are no new ideas. There are only new ways of making them felt."
~Audre Lorde
member/non-member rates: free / $20
This is an in-person-only event & will NOT be recorded.
Since this is an In-Person event… and we want to make sure we have enough print-outs, chairs, and drink options for everyone… and since MEMBERS are not using the PayPal option…
We have confirmed the venue and will email all Members an easy survey to RSVP — so we know to expect you there — Thanks! So exciting to meet IN-PERSON again after sooooooo long!! We can’t wait to see you!
Sorry, there will be NO refunds.
(Note: While our one-year Membership is still $40 — our 2023 meeting price is free for all members. Signup-here & save after only 2 meetings! )
Registration for Dispositor Tree Workshop Ends on July 27th at 12 noon pacific time PST
and for all info, map and directions to Fort Mason, SF — use the button below