“Only in San Francisco!” is the city’s trademark tourist theme, but it could apply equally well to its diverse and vibrant astrological community.
The goal of the San Francisco Astrological Society (SFAS) is to serve as an educational, professional, and social networking resource to the Bay Area astrological community and now to the worldwide community.
Linea Van Horn founded the San Francisco Astrological Society with its first meeting on Sept 29, 1992 at 7:30 PM PST in San Francisco (so you can look at the brilliant chart she elected for Inception! It’s why we’re in our 31st year! ) We met as an informal gathering of like-minded astrology students in people’s homes in diverse neighborhoods such as the Sunset & Mission District to discuss astrology. Growth required larger rooms at Fort Mason for many years and then at The Women’s Building in the Mission District to accommodate an ever-growing community – until 2020 meant welcoming our expanding worldwide audience on Zoom. That spirit of warm conviviality that Linea embodies still continues inspiring the monthly meetings that feature invited local, national, and international astrological experts making dynamic and informative presentations!
The San Francisco Astrological Society (SFAS) provides an affordable monthly forum for people interested in astrology to gather and explore this ancient language. We welcome any person, from the mildly curious to the professional astrologer, who wants to delve deeper into the significance of the stars and planets to earthly life.
We invite you to join the next meeting and to consider becoming a member!
The SFAS Steering Committee works to bring top level speakers to each meeting, to keep members informed of current happenings in the field of astrology, to publicize its meetings and ongoing member events through this website, to promote astrologers through its Twitter account, and to ensure that everybody feels welcome in this unique community.
Our guest presenters are all excellent astrologers, local to international. Our meetings provide an arena for the development and dissemination of ideas and techniques in the field of astrology. Thought-provoking and intellectually stimulating group chats often develop from the lecture material and the astute question and answer sessions.
Finally, the friendly atmosphere encourages and promotes both social and professional networking and connections among members of the community. We look forward to meeting you!
Here are some of the amazing astrologers who have spoken at the San Francisco Astrological Society over the years.
Astrologer | Website |
A.T. Mann | website |
Adam Elenbaas | https://nightlightastrology.com/ |
Adam Gainsburg | https://www.soulsign.com/ |
Alan Clay | https://www.dwarfplanetastrology.com/ |
Alan L. Lin | http://zot.net/ |
Alberto Forero | https://www.translationoflight.org/ |
Aleksander Imsiragic | https://www.astrologi.no/aleksandar-imsiragic |
Amanda Moreno | https://www.aquarianspirals.com/ |
Andrea Mallis | https://www.virgoinservice.com/ |
April Elliott Kent | https://bigskyastrology.com/ |
Arielle Guttman | https://sophiavenus.com/author/arielle/ |
Armand Diaz | https://armanddiaz.com/ |
Aubrie de Clerck | https://coachingforclarity.net/ |
Austin Coppock | https://austincoppock.com/ |
Bear Ryver | https://www.bearryver.com/ |
Becca Tarnas | https://beccatarnas.com/ |
Carol Ferris | https://www.carolferrisastrology.com/ |
Cathy Coleman | https://www.cathycolemanastrology.com/ |
Celeste Brooks | https://www.astrologybyceleste.com/ |
César Love | https://baseballastrology.com/ |
Chad Harris | https://archetypalview.com/about-me/ |
Chet Zdorowski | https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/sacbee/name/chet-zdrowski-obituary?id=52235068 |
Chris Brennan | https://www.chrisbrennanastrologer.com/ |
Christopher Renstrom | https://www.rulingplanets.com/ |
Corina Dross | https://corinadross.com/ |
Dale O'Brien | https://www.chironsouljourneytruth.com/home.html |
Dana Gerhardt | https://mooncircles.com/ |
Daniel Giamario | https://thegiamarioapproach.com/ |
Deborah Houlding | https://skyscript.co.uk/ |
Deborah Parker | https://www.astrologicuspress.com/about/bio |
Demetrius Bagley | https://rtacademy.org/member/demetrius-bagley/ |
Don Cerow | https://astrologybooth.com/study-booth/articles/age-of-aquarius-article-by-don-cerow/ |
Dorothy Kovach | https://www.worldastrology.net/ |
Doug Noblehorse | https://www.facebook.com/noblehorse/ |
Elena Lumen | https://www.illuminatingastrology.com/about |
Elisabeth Grace | https://elisabethgrace.com/ |
Elizabeh Barton | https://www.elizabethabarton.com/ |
Elliot Tanzer | https://www.elliottanzer.com/ |
Eric Meese | https://philosopherswheel.com/hna.html |
Eric Meyers | https://soulvisionconsulting.com/ |
Erica Jones | https://www.realimaginal.com/ |
Faye Blake | https://fayeblake.nl/ |
Fernanda Paiva | https://www.fernandapaiva.co/ |
Frank Clifford | https://frankclifford.co.uk/ |
Frida Rydqvist | https://portal.research.lu.se/en/persons/frida-rydqvist |
Gary Caton | http://www.dreamastrologer.com/ |
Gaye Nelson | https://www.gayenelson.com/ |
Gemini Brett | https://www.facebook.com/GeminiBrettAstrology/ |
Georgia Stathis | https://starcycles.com/ |
Greg Bogart | https://www.gregbogart.net/ |
Henry Seltzer | https://www.astrograph.com/astrology-readings/ |
Jack Fertig | https://legacyprojectchicago.org/person/jack-fertig-aka-sister-boom-boom |
James Kelleher | https://jameskelleher.com/ |
Jamie Kahl Miller | https://pandoraastrology.com/ |
Jessica Garfield | https://trustpsyche.com/ |
Jessica Lanyadoo | https://www.lovelanyadoo.com/ |
Jessica Murray | https://mothersky.com/ |
Jessica Shepherd | https://www.moonkissd.com/ |
Jodie Forrest | https://www.jodieforrestastrology.com/ |
John Chinworth | https://astrologyconference.org/john-chinworth-planetary-pairs-fate-free-will-and-the-rumble-of-eris/ |
Joni Patry | https://universityofvedicastrology.com/ |
Joseph Crane | https://astrologyinstitute.com/ |
Joyce Mason | https://www.radicalvirgo.com/ |
Judith Hill | https://www.judithhillastrology.com/ |
Kathryn Silverton | https://www.planetaryperceptions.com/ |
Kathy Watts | https://www.worldastrology.net/author/kathy-watts |
Kay Taylor | https://www.kaytaylor.com/ |
Kelly Surtees | https://www.kellysastrology.com/ |
Kira Sutherland | https://www.kirasutherland.com.au/ |
Komilla Sutton | https://komilla.com/ |
Linea Van Horn | https://astrologeratlarge.com/ |
Lizhen Wang | https://lizhen.space/astrology |
Loda Shaw | https://www.linkedin.com/in/loda-shaw-jr-a763b96/ |
Lynn Bell | https://lynnbellastrology.com/ |
Margaret Gray | https://www.astrologypsychological.com/ |
Maria Blaquier | https://mariablaquier.com/?v=7516fd43adaa |
Mark Bettinson | https://thelunationpoint.com/about-mark-bettinson/ |
Martha Clarke | https://www.marthaclarkeastrology.com/ |
Matthew Engel | https://www.matthewengel.com/ |
Matthew Stelzner | https://stelz.biz/ |
Maurice Fernandez | https://mauricefernandez.com/ |
Michael Lutin | https://michaellutin.com/ |
Mychal A. Bryan | https://www.mychalbryan.com/ |
Nadiya Shah | https://www.nadiyashah.com/ |
Nanney Duncan | https://www.yelp.com/biz/nanney-duncan-astrologer-palo-alto |
Naomi Bennett | http://learnastrologynow.com/ |
Nick Dagan Best | https://www.nickdaganbestastrologer.com/ |
Nina Gryphon | https://ninagryphon.com/ |
Omari Martin | https://soularwisdom.com/ |
Paul Bogle | https://www.astro-counselor.com/ |
Peter Burns | https://westernastrology.net/about/ |
Q | |
Ray Couture | https://astrologicalperspectives.net/ |
Rebecca Farrar | https://www.wildwitchwest.com/ |
Rich Humbert | https://www.aquariuspapers.com/astrology/2017/11/rich-humbert-great-astrologer-and-spiritual-brother-has-passed-into-devachan.html |
Richard Tarnas | https://cosmosandpsyche.com/ |
Rio Olesky | http://www.starwatcher.com/ |
Robert Hand | https://www.arhatmedia.com/ |
Ryan Evans | https://www.ryanevansastrology.com/ |
Sam Reynolds | https://www.unlockastrology.com/ |
Sarrah Christensen | https://onesagesview.com/ |
Shawn Nygaard | https://www.imagineastrology.com/about-shawn |
Sherene Vismaya | https://sherenevismaya.com/ |
Stormie Grace | https://www.stormiegrace.com/ |
Sue Tompkins | https://suetompkins.com/ |
Terry Lamb | https://soulscapeonline.com/community_listing/terry-lamb/ |
Tony Howard | https://theastrologycoach.com/ |
Trudy Carol | https://www.trudycarol.com/ |
Vernon Robinson | https://universalityastrology.com/ |
Wade Caves | https://wadecaves.com/ |
William Stickevers | https://williamstickevers.com/ |
Note: We are actively looking for new volunteers willing to step in and help handle the work behind the scenes. Let Alberto know that YOU are interested!
SFAS Steering Committee Members
Michelle Erdle - Promotions Director