This webinar has been CANCELLED because LiZhen has flown to Taiwan due to family emergency. They offer their apologies. Our thoughts are with their family.
If you registered for this event, the REFUND will go back to your PayPal account this week.
THANK YOU! Our Thoughts and LOVE are with LiZhen and their Family Now!
January 28, 2021 • 6–8 pm Pacific Time • Webinar
LiZhen Wang
New Seeds of Social Justice: the Saturn-Uranus Cycle
Webinar • Jan 28, 2021 • 6-8 pm PST •
LiZhen Wang
New Seeds of Social Justice: the Saturn-Uranus Cycle
What does 2021 have in common with the Tiananmen Square protests, the WTO protests, and the founding of the Black Lives Matter movement? These are some of the most important protest movements of recent times... and they were all born under the Saturn-Uranus cycle. 2021 is the next stage in this cycle.
The defining transit of 2021 is the square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus. By studying this cycle, we become wiser in how we can collectively and personally support the liberation movements underway, and so needed in our times.
LiZhen Wang is an astrologer, facilitator, and food grower. It is their life’s delight to listen to the planets — Earth, Sun, Moon, and beyond — and helping others tune in, as well. They started the Astrology for Social Movements project as a way to offer astrology in service to collective liberation. Their current research focuses on the astrology behind historical movements for abolition and freedom, and what those cycles of time can teach us now. They also teach BIPOC students in the program "On Purpose: an astrological discovery of what you’re here for."