Drew Levanti presents a short talk on the Orphic Hymns: April 1, 2024, 7pm PST on Zoom. Members: No need to register. Non-Members: $10 - register here
Thursday, March 28, 2024 • 6-8 pm Pacific Time • on Zoom
Kira Sutherland
Natal Nutrition for Health and Wellbeing
On Zoom • Mar 28, 2024 • 6-8 pm PST •
Kira Sutherland
Natal Nutrition for Health and Wellbeing
If we could only find the right diet for each person, we would have found the safest and easiest way to health, yet this eludes even those with the best intentions.
What if we could take eating back to its basics, to our elemental makeup and learn to listen to our bodies when they are out of balance and asking for help?
In this 2-hour webinar Kira will cover the basics of foods and nutrition as seen through the lens of the natal chart. She will look at which planets have the biggest influence over our food and the impact the houses bring to the table. This is a fabulous lecture on how to support your natal blueprint and give you simple and practical ideas for strengthening your well-being.
Kira Sutherland is an Australian Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist and Astrologer who lives between Sydney, Australia and the mountains of BC, Canada. She divides her time between clients, writing and lecturing on health, wellbeing, and medical astrology. Known for her vibrant, straightforward teaching style, Kira has lectured in Medical Astrology around the globe and has been in clinical practice for over 25 years. Kira combines her knowledge in Natural Medicine with her passion for Medical Astrology into a wonderful mix of mind/body medicine.
Find Kira on FB and instagram @astrologyofhealth or astrologyofhealth
member/non-member rates: free / $20
Free for Members:
If you are a Member with us, you will receive the Zoom link an hour before the meeting and will receive the recording link within a day after the meeting. No need to register!
(Note: While our one-year Membership is still $40 — our 2024 meeting price is free for all members. Signup & save after only 2 meetings! )
Registration for the Kira Sutherland talk ends on Mar 28th at 12 noon Pacific Time PST
Sorry, there will be NO refunds.