We very sadly must cancel this talk. Steffan Vanel passed away on April 27. We honor his Life, Loving Spirit, and many fine contributions to Spirituality, Tarot, and to our field of astrology.
The family requests donations in his honor to any organization feeding the needy. To share sympathy, photos, and memories with his family in his honor, go to: https://www.danekasfuneralchapel.com/obituary/steffan-vanel
We will refund everyone who paid for his Webinar. Thank You!
Webinar • May 27 •
Steffan Vanel
Twins: Nature vs. Nurture • Astrology • Projection
The phenomenon of twins has intrigued humanity throughout history, having inspired many different theories and mythological expressions. In recent centuries, science has utilized twins to test the Nature vs. Nurture debate. These investigations have been especially heightened since the awareness of genetic coding.
Twins, however, also create a great opportunity for Astrological studies. In this lecture, Steffan will provide his own Astrological insights into the Nature vs. Nurture debate, and provide the Astrological reasons as to why twins are more likely to be similar if they do not grow up together, as a result of the phenomenon of projection.
Steffan Vanel is an Astrologer, Tarot Reader and author, working with a synthesis of Psychological Astrology, (having studied with noted Astrologer, author and Jungian Analyst, Liz Greene), combined with the Spiritual/Karmic Astrology channeled from the Master Hilarion through the mediumship of Maurice Cooke in Ontario, Canada.
Steffan is also the author of: The Astrological Karma of the USA, Charles & Diana: The Inside Story: An Astrological-Karmic View, and the Spiritual Company Newsletter.
He has lived several years in Europe where he studied Kabbalah with Zev Ben Shimon Halevi and did research at both the Jung Institute in Switzerland, and the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris.
Steffan offers lectures and workshops globally and does online work as well. At a United Astrology Conference, he gave his lecture: Tarot & Astrology: The Missing Link, where he was able to present the unique way in which he uses a Jungian/Kabbalistic approach to the Tarot in combination with the Psychological/ Karmic Astrology he uses to provide what he calls: ‘The curriculum, the current exams and the report cards.’