For reasons you all now understand…We will hold our event only online!
Virtual International Astrology Day
Five great astrologers in one day!
“2020: The Big Shift”
March 21, 2020 10 am-6 pm Pacific Time
ZOOM links will be sent to registrants in advance with instructions to connect & enjoy this event online with us!
Links to enjoy the VIDEO RECORDINGS at your convenience will be sent after the event for all who register by Midnight March 20
The event includes a RAFFLE of a copy of each speaker’s book drawn from those who are registered.
No refund after March 1st
Member $85 / Non-member $100 – Sign-up Ends Midnight of March 20, 2020
Keynote speaker: Linea Van Horn
Master of Ceremonies: Marie O’Neill
Invocation & Closing: Gemini Brett
Kay Taylor
Jessica Lanyadoo
Christopher Renstrom
Judith Hill
Master of Ceremonies
MARIE O’NEILL will be guiding, brightening, and keeping it all moving for us throughout the day! Beginning with recommended Early Log-on at 9:45 AM to make sure all is working and orientation to the proceedings.
Invocation & Closing Ceremony
GEMINI BRETT: 10 am & 5:30 pm Gemini is a modern mystic, StarryTeller, and shamanic astrologer who lives in Berkeley, CA when he's not out spreading the word and exploring the world's sacred sites. Brett is a leader in the movement to re-nature astrology by integrating our two-dimensional charts with the infinite living sky. He is a world-renowned astronomy-for-astrologers authority and inspiring educator of the astrological mysteries. Brett’s terrestrial translations of the celestial conversation, expressed through the ancient arts of sacred geometry, musical harmony, embodied astronomy, and number magic, activate seasoned sages as much as they initiate students new to the cosmic curriculum.
Dancing on the Edge of Chaos
LINEA VAN HORN: 4:00 pm While we carry on with the duties and details of our daily lives, epoch-changing and evolution-inducing cosmic alignments are unfolding right in front of us – or rather, above our heads. What are they, and what is their significance to us? Using the perspective that only the planets can provide, we’ll explore the nature and meaning of several cycles that are reaching critical junctures in 2020. Learn how astrology helps you navigate these shifts with skill and insight, and also invites you to participate in the co-creation of the new era that awaits us all.
Evolution 2020: What’s your Big Shift?
KAY TAYLOR: 10:15 am While we consider how 2020 ushers in solutions to corruption and corporate greed, if climate change will devour us all, or if the monetary system will collapse, we still have to live a personal life. I invite you to explore with me what this Great Shift means in individual charts, and how we can be the empowered beings we came here to be. Further, how can we remain grounded, inclusive and compassionate in such a challenging, ever-shifting paradigm? We’ll identify strategies to expand both acceptance and fierce action without drowning in the tears of the world or burning up in our rage.
Intimacy Issues in the Birth Chart
JESSICA LANYADOO: 11:30 am In this presentation Lanyadoo will talk about everybody’s favorite topic: Intimacy Issues. We will explore how to delineate them in the birth chart, where they come from, and how to most effectively cope with them. We will look at the dynamics that hold us back from having the quality and experience of intimacy that we desire. This will be a fun, informative, and practically applicable talk suitable for astrologers of all levels, including info from her new book Astrology for Real Relationships.
CHRISTOPHER RENSTROM: 1:30 pm For the past 180 to 200 years, Jupiter and Saturn have been forming their great conjunctions in the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. And in this period of time we have seen the rise of the "new world" – that is the countries colonized by Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries – replace the old order on the world stage. On December 21, 2020 Jupiter and Saturn will begin the first of a series of conjunctions in air signs – marking a shift from earth energy to air. What can we expect with this change in cultural values, governing principles, and social norms?
Hot & Cold Diseases of Saturn & Mars
JUDITH HILL: 2:45 pm Ancient and Renaissance physicians utilized astral temperature by correlating hot Mars with acute inflammation, and conversely, cold Saturn with chronic ailments. This traditional knowledge offers an invaluable key for both good health, and preventative medicine.
Judith details the health influence of these two traditional “malefics” in the Natal Chart, and their transit conjunction to the natal planets. Traditional antipathetical herbal remediation is discussed (hypothetically).