

SFAS Guide for Speakers • 2024

Who we are:  The San Francisco Astrological Society (SFAS) is a non-profit educational group dedicated to the study of astrology. 

Our Mission Statement: The San Francisco Astrological Society provides a regular, affordable forum for people interested in astrology. 

We meet monthly in San Francisco since 1992, usually the last Thursday of the month. Our community draws from all over the Bay Area, and now from anywhere on the internet on Zoom, with astrological expertise ranging from Newbie to full-time Pros. Meetings are averaging between 20 and 60 attendees. Meetings are free for members and $20 for non-members. Unique rates may apply for special events/longer workshops.

We continue on the ZOOM platform for 2024 and beyond… Our changes are: 

  • Times/days of meetings are more negotiable based on time zones

  • The Recording of the meeting and (maybe) the .pdf of your slideshow are sent to those who are members and those who have paid registration so that all can fully engage with your talk… and no one loses out if they are unable to login for any reason (we do not do refunds)

  • Meetings are 90–120 min, allowing for content and Q&A 

  • We are happily paying speakers more while we are saving on the physical meeting venue costs

  • We are attracting more registrants and speakers now from all over the internet

  • Though it’s not quite the same over Zoom, we maintain our tradition of starting and finishing with All Chanting “OM” three times to connect, attune, and focus. 

Speaker payment: Speakers are paid by PayPal within a few days after the presentation. Presenters will receive $250 + $100 if 35 or more paying people register for the event, so you may benefit by promoting to your own base.

Website: Our SFAS website, sfastrologicalsociety.com has our current event schedule, cost/membership information and more. Our upcoming presentation is always our website HOME page; future events by month are under “events” sfastrologicalsociety.com/events.

Publicity & Advertising: We have a very active Facebook page, Facebook Group, and Twitter feed where we promote our events. In addition, we publicize our events on several internet and social networking sites as well as astrology newsletters. We send several prior announcements to our email list of over 700 names via MailChimp. Speakers are encouraged to reach out to your own network as well to increase your audience registration. We are eager to promote all info on your books / publications, your future events, classes, your website, contact, and services. 

Note: When you present your material, please be sure to recall the lecture description you proposed, since that's what our members and visitors have come to hear. 

The local Bay Area NCGR chapter also presents speakers in our area, and we try not to present the same talks. You may want to email and apply with them with a different topic:  info@ncgrsanfrancisco.org

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to be in touch. 

On behalf of the SFAS Steering Committee,  

Victoria Long

President,  San Francisco Astrological Society  

president@sfastrologicalsociety.com   707-706-3366