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Dear SFAS Member,

THANK YOU for your membership with the San Francisco Astrological Society! We’ve been a busy group of volunteer astrology students collaborating to bring great speakers to grow with for over 30 years now!

We appreciate your support and work hard to bring you astrology speakers who will educate as well as entertain you. Our next scheduled event appears on the HOME page. You will receive 2-4 emails from MailChimp each month alerting you to our next upcoming event in plenty of time to signup.

You can check “events” in our website to see the scheduled speakers for months ahead, as well as “past events” we have hosted, if curious.

You can also join our social networks, where astrology videos and blog posts are shared daily:

“Like” the SFAS Page on FaceBook:

Join the SFAS FaceBook Group: San Francisco Astrological Society

Follow us on Twitter!

If you are a MeetUp subscriber, join us at:

San Francisco Astrological Society Meet Up Group

If you have any questions, please leave a message at:


or email us at:

Again, we THANK YOU for being a member of the San Francisco Astrological Society, and we look forward to seeing you on our Zoom meetings, where we can chat and questions are welcomed!


The SFAS Steering Committee​